Friday, June 11, 2010



And so is this comic.

Future updates will be hosted by SmackJeeves.

HERE IS THE LINK! See you on SJ!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

PAGE NINE - Kukulkan

(Click image to read comic)
Fuck it, my text/handwriting is awful. Enjoy the fonts. Future reference to myself: Tezca speaks in Batik STD or something.
I am working on getting BLOOD onto ComicGenesis so that it is easier to read.
Uhhh...I don't have much else to say.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Interlude: Alternate Page 6

Sorry for the long wait (and no new pages yet :( ). I just wanted to show you guys what COULD have been with page six. I like panel 4 here a LOT more than the one on the page that went live. Stupid coffee! You know I need you to live; why are you mocking me?!

Note: in case your monitor has the crappy settings mine does, there is a gigantic coffee stain across the middle panels.

Friday, February 19, 2010

PAGE EIGHT - Similar, but Different

(Click image to read the comic)

Yes, I cheated you out of my shitty handwriting in that panel. I wanted white text but I couldn't seem to make it legible. Sorry.
Anyway, about my handwriting: It's so bad sometimes! And only when I don't want it to be. Problem is my regular handwriting, though MOSTLY readable, shifts between print and cursive. And I'm talking in the middle of a word. It's just as frustrating for me to see this on paper as it is for you to read it, maybe more so.

PAGE SEVEN - Rainbows!

(Click image to read comic)

No, not really. BLOOD is colorless. I am toying with the idea of just coloring blood red, but then the comic is technically "full color", making printed editions expensive.
Yes, I am planning on getting BLOOD into print format. It will be a lot easier than GF as I have high quality images of all pages and the originals are...y'know...already colored.

Tlaloc on this page = rocks my socks.

Monday, December 21, 2009

PAGE SIX - My Handwriting

Click on the image to see the full-size page.

Unless you can't read or yours is worse than mine, my handwriting is the worst of it's kind. I've also yet to even reach the "mediocre" level of comic text. Centering and planning ahead have never been at the forefront of my brain (as you know). Hopefully you can read the comic. I don't really want to use anything other than a brightness/contrast element on the computer to do this comic. I want it to stay mostly "traditional". Comic Sans for you.

This is the page I lost to coffee. I'll scan the coffee-stained one some day because it looks better. At least some elements of it are better.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Filler Art

Long-overdue art I owe you guys. It's not much, but it was fun to do. I've been busy with lots of "life crap", like moving again and missing sleep. I'll get a page done when I can!

Monday, September 28, 2009

PAGE FIVE - Pedophile?

Click to read page.

I made this one a little darker, for some reason. Also, you can kind of tell I was in a hurry to get this done.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

More Sketches (Sketch)

Click to see it larger.

I wanted to get out a good full-sized image of Tlaloc in his "regular" form since the only one I use for reference right now is made on a tiny scrap of paper (a sticker, even).

He hasn't really got claws, just those funny pointy graspers that frogs and toads have. But he does have massive fangs and hair growing out of his elbows, knees and sides. And head.

EDIT: I didn't make his fangs big enough.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

PAGE FOUR - At least four kinds of evil on this page.

Click the image to read the page.

Tezcatlipoca is kind of evil, if you didn't notice. And sweet earrings. Oh, and the light source is Tlaloc's GIANT GLOWING FROG EYES.