Monday, September 28, 2009

PAGE FIVE - Pedophile?

Click to read page.

I made this one a little darker, for some reason. Also, you can kind of tell I was in a hurry to get this done.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

More Sketches (Sketch)

Click to see it larger.

I wanted to get out a good full-sized image of Tlaloc in his "regular" form since the only one I use for reference right now is made on a tiny scrap of paper (a sticker, even).

He hasn't really got claws, just those funny pointy graspers that frogs and toads have. But he does have massive fangs and hair growing out of his elbows, knees and sides. And head.

EDIT: I didn't make his fangs big enough.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

PAGE FOUR - At least four kinds of evil on this page.

Click the image to read the page.

Tezcatlipoca is kind of evil, if you didn't notice. And sweet earrings. Oh, and the light source is Tlaloc's GIANT GLOWING FROG EYES.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vaya Con Dios

I managed to salvage the page I thought I ruined. It just might work. Still not done, though, not yet.

And yes, Tlaloc has to speak telepathically. He says why later but because it isn't a spoiler, I'll tell you now. His fangs are so big he can't close his mouth, nor can he move his lips enough to form those crazy Nahuatl words. The "HRUH" is his breathing, if you hadn't guessed. I want to do some more drawings of Tlaloc in this form, mostly because he really doesn't stretch out and show off a lot in the comic. And I like the design so, dammit, I need to gloat about it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

PAGE THREE - Giant Frog

Click the image to get read the page.

There's Tlaloc. He's a giant, hairy, fanged frog. Enjoy.
And yes, his breakfast consists of children.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Llego Tarde

I'm working on the next page bit by bit. This month is going to be nutters and I'm not going to promise anything. Even GF will probably have some issues.

Speaking of GF, its 4th birthday is September 12th (Mine is the 11th!).

Be on the lookout for more BLOOD and more GO FISH.